Sunday 10 July 2011


Hey you wise man, what makes you loathe?
Don’t you wear that cynical coat

Knowledge and experience may have made you wise

Yet, you only see man’s every vice

Hatred, and bitterness; and empty feeling

Lust and, violence; and lack of meaning

Is that all you see?

The cynical cyanide that poisons every truth

Fills the flower and sinks to the root

Blinds your eye to love and compassion

Makes you live in hedonic passion

Comfortably numb to others suffering and pain

Driven only for one's own personal gain

Never to trust and ready to cheat

Filled with cunningness and bottom less greed

Is that all in man you see?

Open your heart and open you mind

See the world of now; leave the past behind 

Cling and climb with trust and hope

Man's one and only life saving rope

Open your mind to ideological flexibility

Cultivating compassion and genuine humility

Its trust and hope, and self realization

That can cure our life of this cynical civilization

Hence shed your pompous coat of egocentric cynicism 

And fill your self with compassionate altruism

Its compassion to man’s every vice

Is what truly makes one wise

So open you heart and open your mind

Get filled with love and become truly wise

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